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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


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The last thing I made was my cute heart valentine mug rugs made with your labels! Love them.

the last quilt i made was a gift for Christmas. it was a freebie pattern called 'cotton candy' and i used my 30s fabrics. really reminded me of my mom and sisters when they were little girls -- came out very nice! i would love to try one of your little baskets, just too stinkin' cute!

I am working on a quilt for a good friends daughter

Easter placemats. :)

The last thing I made was a girl baby quilt for Olivia, who was born on Friday :)

The last thing was a bunny wall hanging. I'm still working on quilting it.

I made a quilt for my dad :)

Your noteworthy line is lovely. I would love to try my hand at a Swoon quilt.

I just finished some more string blocks. Would love these new fabrics for a pinwheel quilt. Thanks, Deana

About to sew a clothes pin bag. The front will have a my cross stitched houndstooth silhouette of a rooster and hen. It was supposed to be a Christmas present but a birthday coming will do!

The next thing I'm going to make is Easter dresses for my two girls.

I've just cut out my Lucy's Crab Shack bag so I want to finish that. Hugs.....

My local quilt shop is doing this Moda Quilt Along as a "3 Blocks" a month BOM, and guess what, in January when I joined, I decided to use Noteworthy!! I love your fabrics, and I am fussy cutting the "sayings" from the fabric to be the center 3 inch square in each block.
I will gladly send you a photo when it is finished. Thank you for your giveaway.

Love Noteworthy! The last thing I made was a mini bookshelf quilt for my daughter's 15th birthday (just last week) and before that was some Noteworthy coasters! Next on the agenda? A little 'poof' (mini ottoman) for my great niece's 3rd birthday. Thanks for the giveaway.

I am just finishing up the Starburst Quilt a-long!

Wow I love that pail! I am working on library bags for my sons, I let them draw on some white fabric with Sharpie Stained Markers and I am putting their art work on the front of their bags!

I made a Batman wallet for my grandson's 6th birthday last week. Gave it to him last nite and he loved it!

I've seen so many cute patterns made out of Noteworthy lately, it would be hard to choose, but a hexy-theme quilt would be fun.

The Farmer's Wife quilt is on my list of things to do. I fell in love with it the first time I saw the book, and have wanted to make it ever since!

I am making rows for the Lori Holt Row-Along! Quite a few of your fabrics are in my very scrappy rows.

Just finished Plant a Garden with Noteworthy. It was tons of fun and I machine blanket stitched the scalloped strips. Really looking forward to making the cute flower pot table runner and now the spring pail. Thanks for sharing your friendship block - love pinwheels; and thanks for sponsoring the adorable Noteworthy fabric giveaway!

The last thing I made was a wool quilt using the wool of Independence Trail. The next thing is a Fig Tree Pattern of Card Tricks. I love the Noteworthy line. That pretty pale bluy with printing on it is my favorite.

The last thing I made was a Noodlehead Tote for myself, and it is also the next thing I will make for my daughter who requested one!

I just finished a baby quilt (of course, made from Moda fabric) last weekend, and gave it to the new momma. :)

I love all of your fabric, ladies!

The last thing I've made was a string quilt block. I'm going to use this quilt to learn to free motion quilt. Thank you for showing the cute bag and for your block!

I sewed an insulin pump pouch for my daughter. These small prints would be perfect to make more!

I've been sewing scarves for my new Etsy shop, but I'd sure like to make a quilt with Noteworthy:) Thanks for the chance to win!

The last thing I made is a little quilt named The Twelve Days of Christmas from Temecula Quilt Co. I am currently finishing their Anniversary quilt and then on to finishing a quilt my daughter started with Friendship Stars and Xs. Thanks for the pattern and giveaway.

The last thing I have sewn are the blocks for a halloween quilt.....yes, it was just this morning!

The last think I sewed was your "Heart Mug Rugs" for a friend. have to make my own now! Then who knows what!

What a fantastic giveaway! I am working on play mats for my soon to be born niece and cousin! I am using recycled (very soft) jeans and flannel prints! I would be over the moon to win your fabric.

Last things I've sewn are a few bags, some Scrappy Trip Around The World blocks and a lot of quilting on my current project. See my blog:
Thanks for the chance!

I'm working on a shamrock tablerunner. Maybe I'll get it done for St. Patty's Day......this year? I'ld love to win some fabric!

I just finished a double sized scrappy trip along quilt. this past week. And I am curently sorting and prepareing a bunch of scraps from my moms alterations shop. I plan to make a table runner for my sister who is an avid hunter.I am useing the scrap pant legs from kaki and camoflauge prints. Yes..Camo...They have lots of camoflauge in thir new home. So recycle reuse repurpose and a housewarming gift all in one. Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway and thank you for the block. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

I just finished a wedding gift queen sized quilt for my son and new daghter-in-law. Broken log cabins made with Mama Said Sew!

I just finished a cover for my sewing machine using Mama Said Sew fat quarters. It turned out really cute!

I finished a double layered twirly skirt for my 8 year old yesterday, so now I can get back to quilting! Love your block!

I love your block so much I want to make a whole quilt with it.

Oooh your block is gorgeous, but then anything would look good in Noteworthy, it is my new ultra favorite fabric line :) I am currently working on a quilt using Cluck Cluck Sew's Spin Cycle pattern and Kissing Booth fabric.

I most recently finished a mini bookshelf quilt featuring (some) books that I worked on while I worked for a publishing house in the Midwest. I am planning next to make a quilt for my son featuring Dinosaur Train fabric. He is really excited. :-)

Thanks for the chance to win!

I am currently working on a UFO started at Sisters Oregon Quilters Affair and my next project is a baby quilt ... and then there are dozens more planned ... just need lots of time, a housekeeper and a chef! Thanks for the opportunity to win some lovely fabric!

I am working on a grandmother's flower garden, hand sewn. I am on my last row (queen sized) ! I love your block, it is adorable.

I started the medallion quilt along


I have been making Easter Baskets, and I love your spring bag.

The last thing I made was my son's Halloween costume: a "WRITER" vest like the one Nathan Fillion wears in "Castle". From scratch, no pattern. My "pile" of projects includes a Halloween table runner, a vest, with hopes for a Family Tree quilt. But there is never enough time!

The last thing I made was a purse...I just realized I did not make the LOVE towel from you!!! Another project for next year.;) Love all your stuff, Thanks!

Working on Reunion quilt featured in Moda Bakeshop book. Love the reunion fabric line.

I'm just putting the binding on a scrappy string quilt, but of course have already started piecing the next quilt. Why finish one thing when I can have several on the go? Hmmm....

I'm working on a cathedral windows quilt, I love what you would like to make.

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