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Monday, February 25, 2013


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This year, Fat Quarter Shop has unveiled a spectacular row quilt filled with basket blocks, star blocks, house blocks and flower blocks guaranteed to fill your home with color and style! I just loved Fat Quarter shop!

My Mom tried to save my bouquet by putting it in this special drying stuff--it didn't turn out to well. I was always going to get a clear glass lamp base and put the flowers in there--but instead I just let them go.

I don't receive flowers much anymore-because our cats eat them! I always have to take them off the table and put them in a closed room and it just becomes a hassle! LOL I do sometimes get a small bunch to keep in my craftroom since that door is closed when I am not in there.

Your bouquet looks mighty sad....but full of awesome memories. After my wedding (a zillion yrs. ago) I took petals from my flower and put into a memory basket, when hubs gave me flowers I added a few petals, when our children were married I added petals from Hubs and my coursage plus petals from bridal flowers as well as men's coursage. My husband passed away a few yrs. ago, so I added flowers from the arrangement on his casket and now I have a basket full of wonderful family memories.

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