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Thursday, March 22, 2012


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At first I thought "Chevron", but then I remembered that isn't a sewing term. I love "Rickrack" for the name. This whole line is wonderful. I found your blog through
My favorite fabric is the pinwheel one. So cute!
hickenfam at hotmail dot com

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Mama said sew. Mama also said clean up your room and don't be rude. I love all the beautiful fabrics in that store. You most be in heaven every time you go in there.

Coming in late and read the other comments. I want a different one, SO, "not a straight line". LOL!

The first thing that popped into my mind was one of my favorite things,RIC-RAC!!!!

My guess would be Ric Rac. ADORABLE collection!

Ric rac, of course!!! I love anything ric rac! Love the colors!!
Love the new line and adore the name... mama said sew!!!


The zig zag fabric reminds me of a heart beat monitor! Beacause this line is pure love. I can't wait until it comes out!! I love the whole line, but I especially love the sewing term fabric!!

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Of course rick rack came to mind for me too... but, I also thought of Ribbing (which really hasn't the marketing zing of rick rack, and who but a clothing sewist would think of that! Let's go with Rick Rack!

I'm certainly not the first to think it, but I think ric-rac is the name. I love the text prints!! All are wonderful though!

What a beautiful line - can't wait until it's available!

My guess is overlock / (or serge or whatever terms is common) - before I got my overlocker, I was taught to use a zigzag stitch on raw edges...

I think ric-rac is the perfect name for the print but I have to say I like the medallion print. I especially like it in grey with the cream background.

Where can I order your beautiful fabric you feature on this website.

I think the fabric is called: Back and Forth. I love it all but especially the red fabric with the name of the quilts on it. I also love Mama Said Sew, the sweet little shop in Fort Collins. It is one of my most favorite places.

I think the name is probably already said but I will think outside the box and say it is called 'crazy'. That is how i feel sometimes when I see such beautiful collections. :)

I think it's called ric-rac. Love the prints with the little pinwheels. And happy to see those lovely greys.

My first thought was Pretty Pinking Shears. As I scrolled down to the comment box, I caught a couple of glimpses using pinking but decided to go ahead with my first guess even though it was already mentioned. I also thought of Gathering stitch since that is another method of gathering using the zigzag stitch. I think the whole line is very nice but particularly like the greys.

My first thought was chevron, but since that's not really a sewing term...Clean Finish? My favorites are a toss-up between the pinwheels, the "Sew" print and the "Sewing Guide." But there isn't one I don't picking a favorite is hard!

Since Rick Rack and pinking have already been taken, my next thought would be "straight out of line" or "Drunkard's Path". It's hard to pick a favorite but the graphic "sew" print would make an interesting background.

"Pinked" would be a really cute name for it, so that's my guess :). I'm having a hard time choosing just one favorite fabric though - I love them all!

The first thing that came to mind was 'pinking shears'. The whole line is beautiful, but I think that my fav print would have to be the 'sewing guide' which is simply brilliant!

I loooove this collection! So much fun. :) My guess is pinking shears.

Ric rac of course! ;)

And I love the sew print, it's really cool looking!

O.K. I am putting in my two cents in also and am with the "Ric Rac" followers.
My favorite is the white with red pinwheels. Excellent fabric designs and can't wait to see the quilts, etc. made with this line of fabric.

My guess is baby rick rack. I can't pick a favourite all the fabrics are fantastic but I do love the "sew" squiggle.

My first thought was ric rac, but lots of others thought of it also. My favorite print is the dark grey Sewing Guide.

I love, love, love this line. Each and every print. I have a thing for reds and I am lacking in grays and yours are beautiful.

I am guessing the zig zag is called Pinking Shears!

If I have to pick a favorite print, I would say.....lazy daisy or the one with all the wonderful words!

I hate working with the stuff (Ric Rac), but it would make a cute name for a fantastic print! I think I like the striped dots the most! I'm ready to buy the whole kit and kaboodle!!

I'm guessing "ric rac"! I love them all - how can I pick just one? The "sew" print had me gasping at it's cleverness. But I think perhaps the grey pinwheel one is stealing my heart.

No matter - I am getting this range when it comes in - it's amazing!

my guess is ric rac. and I love those red an also greys and black too. . . owh! cant waitttt till sept. . .

I absolutely love this entire collection. The zig zag does remind me of ric rac or pinking shears so those would be my unoriginal guesses. Thanks for the chance to win.

Pinking Shears?

Beautiful collection! All the prints are so gorgeous! Can't wait! :-)

My guess is "pinked edges" or "pink the edge."
I love all the prints, but I would have to say my favorite is the medallion fabric! This is a beautiful line of fabric.

Hmm, a few guesses along the sewing theme:

Ric Rac Red
Flying Geese
HST Chains
Red Chevron (or what about the Chevronator or Red Chevvy?!)
Pinked (as in, with pinking shears!)

And I will be getting some bulkage yardage of these!! You cannot beat a good basic sewing-themed line!! *sigh* I especially love the black 'Sew' graphic one - gorgeous font!

My first gut instinct was "ric rac" before looking at the comments. "pinked" or "pink" would be cute too.
My faves are both of the text prints though I adore them all!!
I cannot wait until this comes out!!!
Tks for designing such a lovely collection.

I love this fabric I am going to guess winding ways for the name my favorite wold be the newsprint and words.

Surely it's ric rac, that,s what it looks like...? But it could be shearing elastic? Doesn't quite have the same ring about it tho'!

Well i am really going out of the box with this one and naming it 'Road to Sew' this line and will definitely be stalking...thank you for the giveaway

Ohh i love the idea of a red and white quilt, have always wanted to have the discipline to make one!! Is the fabric called zig and zag, they were the names of puppets on a kids show here in the uk when i was a kid, x

what a beautiful line ... I love them all!

I'm guessing "in the pink" !!

My guess would be "Pinking Shears" As for favorite fabric - it's a toss up between the newspaper print and Sew. Such fabulous fabric!! Can't wait to get some.

I think Ric Rac or Pinked. Love the Sewing Guide print, can't wait!

What about "chevron" ...
The newspaper print is one of my most ever favourite print :) This new line has got some new favourites in there - great collection!!
The "sew" white/black fabric is almsot to die for ... now I have to save my money :)

I'm going to guess "pinked"

I adore so many prints in this collection - those pinwheels have my heart for the moment :)

Machine Stitched! That's what I think of :)

Ok, I'm thinking ric rac, pinking shears, or applique.

Adoring this line already!

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