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Wednesday, April 28, 2010


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Is there a tutorial for the flowers or a pattern available for this quilt...I can see why fight could have happened :)!!!

do you have a tutorial on the flowers?...This quilt is beautiful!

It's a beautiful quilt!

Do you have a pattern for the flowers? Where can we get it? They are darling!

Take the advice of King Solomon and cut it in half!

Or make another one!

Those little flowers are just the perfect detail. Any tutes on how you made them, or is the pattern available for purchase?


Soooo cute!

LOVE this quilt!! Where can I get the "Pure Happiness" pattern and what fabric did you use???? Thanks.

I agree with the first commenter - Michelle. The way to solve this fight is to just give the quilt to me because it is BEAUTIFUL! Sound like a plan???

Really though, will this pattern be available? It's a gorgeous quilt that I would be willing to make for myself - to keep!!

first, congrats heidi!! secondly in order for you and your sister not to fight, I will be more than happy to take the quilt instead! hahahaha....it really turned out nice and I love how you incorporated flowers into the quilting part to mimick the 3d flowers! You go girls!! if ever you need a quilt to go to a good loving home, just let me know :-)

it's amazing! I too LOVE those little flowers!

I can easily see why you will be fighting:)

this is definitely worth fighting over!!

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