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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


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Ah, memories of the 4-H Dress Revues! Yes, my mom has one of my more labor intensive outfits tucked away in the cedar chest (along with the wool I won). It was a real trick to not outgrow the project before one had to model it!

So fun to see your endeavors--I'm at my parent's house so the kiddos can experience the farm for a couple weeks and know I can find some photos of my 4-H sewing--the plaid dress that I wore for the state dress review. . . I know it is hiding away in my cedar chest--that one doesn't need to be worn again, but maybe my girlie will like my confirmation dress--white eyelet. just maybe. thanks for sharing! you made me smile.

As I read your post, I had to chuckle to myself. Why? Because I distinctively remember the Stretch and Sew way of making your own patterns and then creating your attire.
In addition, as we finish our basment, I have come across several of my former 4-H projects. I look at them now and wonder what in the world was I thinking. But, 20 plus years ago, that is what the style was. I am thankful that most of those things have changed!
Good luck on your 4-H projects with the kids!

The styles are hilarious, but your sewing was amazing! Really...think about how young you were. I swear my mom made me a dress out of that green fabric with pink flowers. Thanks for the 80s flashback!

I'm not sure what I'm more impressed by...the fact that you kept the garments and can actually find a photo of you wearing them...or the fact that you are still the same size you were 20 years ago. I may have to share with my husband - he thinks I'm the only one who wants to hold on to "stuff" from the past. What great memories.

Wow,consider yourself lucky that you got to make something neat. My first 4-H project was a crummy little apron. The girls in my group were more interested in raising calves than sewing clothes. I can't believe you still have your projects.

oh my- how brave you all are to be sharing though the pink dress looks pretty fashionable even to this day.

I can't believe it still fits! Congratulations on that score too!

I can't believe you kept those outfits - way to go !!! That is too funny - yes the next generation 4H will be fun to back on as well I am sure. Thanks for sharing.

Being a former 4-H member (over 20 years ago), it was so much fun seeing your photos of the clothing dress reviews! I remember those days!!

I think that pink house coat dress could be cute now. I like it! Someone should try that on.

I can't believe you still owned this stuff! You sad sad girls!! I've no traces of the pink fluffy dressing gown, plaid pinafore, straight skirts... oh and frilly blouses...

Memories are such fun! I don't have any of my first sewing projects - luckily.

Oh fun! I had a couple of those projects, but I was an early 90s 4-H sewist, so I think pleats were gone by that point. I distinctly remember a pair of neon teal lycra shorts...and it couldn't have been that pretty, lycra isn't that easy to sew!

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